One woman's journey with the Lord. A road traveled with and without Christ through trials and tribulations. Happiness, joy, peace, mercy and grace. All the Glory is His!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Strong Enough to Bend
Thought for the Day: “God created the oak tree, which grows tall, straight, and strong. He also created the palm, which bends and sways in the changing winds. We need to learn to adopt the traits of both so we can be strong yet flexible – so we can weather the storms of life yet not break when life’s winds blow too hard.” Have an awesome day today everyone! –Elmer Laydon
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Looking at Churches
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Words Given
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What if His people prayed by Casting Crowns
Friday, May 20, 2011
Who You Are
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
What a Glorious Day!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Great Resurrection Piece
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A Testimony that will Knock Your Socks Off!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Check This Out
Be Careful What You Ask For
Lately I've been feeling overwhelmed with all I really need to take care of; well what I feel I need to take care of anyhow. I know there is no need to feel that way, but sometimes we focus on the somewhat trivial things. So yesterday while talking with hubs about how I have so much jumbled, mumbled mess going through my head, I decided to pray about it. I asked the Lord to please provide time to "get caught up on those things I've been behind on."
Well He gave me time alright, but not the kind I was hoping for. I was blessed with my daughter informing me I did not need to pick up any kids today, as unfortunately two of them are home sick. :( So that took away a big portion of running today. But, I also missed another group session, which the topic is so good and important. Plus, I've been going to get groceries for a week now, and still have not made it; and still wont.
My cold seemed to be getting better until yesterday, which was more of just a nagging irritating cough. This morning I woke up to chest and sinus congestion. Growl! I haven't done anything, as I'm very week, tired, just out right exhausted. I try to get up and do something & I feel like I'm going to drop.
When I finally took a shower--and as many of you know, this is where I receive a lot of insight, is in the bathroom--I realized; okay, it was revealed to me, that I prayed a general prayer. But, then again, was it? For I realized then and there, that I was weakened in order to spend time in the Word, which I've for some ridiculous reason have not done yet. He had another plan for me.
I asked for time to get caught up!
He gave it to me. Instead of working on the house, I'm to be spending time in HIS Word. Am I disappointed? NO! Not by any means. As HE comes first anyhow. So my day was partially wasted trying to recoup; but in the end, it will not have been wasted, as I'm going to do as HE had planned for me.
The lesson here is to always when praying, be specific. If you pray for something in general, chances are, He will take you in a different direction, not always in a good one like He did with me. Pray specifically. A more appropriate prayer would have been: "Lord, you know my struggles. You know I have a hard time being organized and finding time to do what I feel I need to be doing. My house needs a thorough cleaning, I have a garage sale to prepare for, I have a room that is full from all the moves, a garage that needs reorganizing and cleaned out. Please provide adequate time for me to accomplish these tasks when you deem right."
See the difference. It covered the areas that is driving me nuts. Time is not very ample for me by any means. But it's all good. He is always faithful. He always listens. It's just that His plans for us may not be the same things we want. Some of you may say, "Well He already knows our needs and wants, so why would you have to be specific?" Because He wants a relationship with us. Because He wants us to take it to Him. He wants us to talk to Him like you would your parents, siblings, best friends etc. Tell Him what is exactly on your heart/mind. He listens, He answers--not always in the manner we ask for--but He knows what is best for us. He's faithful, loving, kind, and wants what is best for us. Trust Him, ask specifically, and believe He will answer. If you doubt Him, then don't expect your requests to be answered. BELIEVE! TRUST!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What's Your Mothering Personality?
![]() I'm a "Giving" Mother!(Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) Quiet and unassuming in my devotion, I am responsive to my children.s needs, offering behind-the-scenes love and support. What's your mothering personality type? Take the MotherStyles quiz at! |
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
His Gifts
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Are You Doing Enough?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Recycling Automobiles Program
Go green and give with Giveacar
Modeled on US organisations such as, Giveacar was established in the UK in 2010 to facilitate the donation of scrap cars. They don’t only take cars, they also take vans and have recently started to take motorcycles. They provide a free and easy service that facilitates the vehicle donation through their subcontracted car collection agencies.
All it takes is one phone call to organize the free and easy collection of your car. Depending on the age and condition of the vehicle, it is either sent to a scrap yard- Giveacar only uses Authorised Treatment Facilities- or sent to a car salvage auction. Any of the proceeds made from this, minus a small administrative cost, are donated to the charity of the owner’s choice. Giveacar has raised over $400000 since January 2010, and it works with over 250 charities, including Christian charities such as Youth for Christ, Retrak and Toybox.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Let it Stick
Many things have happened/changed in the past few weeks. I don't know how to put it into words, but the Lord has a hold of me in a major way. Praise the Lord! Since then, things keep coming that continues to teach.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share,
19 storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
18 Is a Life Lesson in the "Life Principles Bible, by Charles F. Stanley." This is what he has to say:
God blesses us financially not simply so that we can spend His blessings on ourselves, but so that we can use the resources he gives us to help others and to expand the kingdom of God.
This really hit home! We aren't rich by any means, but we do well. We do try to give as much as possible and bless those that are less fortunate, but I realized that if I change my ways, we can probably do more.
I had a spending problem and have gotten much better about it. A person diagnosed with bi-polar; one of the symptoms is spending excessively. It hadn't gotten that bad, thanks heavens, but was close enough.
When looking back I realized that I took the way we grew up to the extremes. Because I was teased constantly, told we were poor people and I wouldn't amount to anything, I would stress over what we didn't have according to the "rich city kids" that seemed to have it all.
I so wanted to dress like them thinking it would make a difference. Therefore, jealousy took control of me.
Song of Solomon 8:6
...Jealousy as cruel as the grave; it's flames are of fire, a most vehement flame.
Ouch! If only I had known the depths of my feelings back then. Once I started working, I bought what I could, always broke shortly after pay day. I made sure I paid my car payment, but would run short of gas, and felt lucky that my parents owned a store with a gas station. I would write down what I pumped, but wouldn't necessarily pay it.
The funny thing is, even though I was getting the clothes and accessories I wanted, it didn't make me more popular, I still was teased and put down. I resorted to drinking and other things thinking that would help me fit in. Instead, I was mocked all the more.
If only I had really known the Lord then. I went to church every weekend with my grandmother. I received my first communion, went through confirmation, but still did not know what it was like to know the Lord. (I was Catholic at the time).
Now I realize that it wouldn't have mattered what I did outside of becoming a "jock" or "cheerleader" (which I did try out for), but couldn't do that stuff, as I just wasn't cut out for sports. I was clumsy. Taller than most, skinny and a klutz! But more than that, I was dealing with prideful people that came from prideful families. If only...
I carried that out through my adult life, looking for acceptance. Wanted to feel wanted and needed. I joined the Air Force wanting to do a job that helped people. I needed that feeling of being needed. I became a firefighter. I loved my job despite having to prove myself.
Now what was the difference? I went through school trying to prove myself and hated it. But now I was enjoying the challenge? The difference was I was out to prove that women had what it took to be in a mans world. It was a huge challenge, and it was a challenge I wanted to take head on. It took work, but some of us persevered!
I had friends, but not necessarily in the manner one should have friends. I was still spending to try to keep up with the crowd. I would fall short every two weeks and would not have money to eat, and ended up borrowing. It never set in. I was embarrassed with having to borrow from my supervisors, but none-the-less, still had to try and be popular.
Then I met my husband. I got pregnant, and got out of the military as he too was a fire fighter. Two in the F.D. raising a family just wasn't a good mix. I wanted to make sure our kids had the best of everything. But with one income, it just wasn't happening. I would get depressed and go shopping.
Eventually, my husband was tired of fighting me over money and sent the kids and I packing. We got back together in a couple of weeks after a friend shared a book with him on spending. It said what he felt.
I tried, but because there was a lot missing in life (to me) I would get depressed and spend. I was jealous of my husband, had very little self respect, had great friends, but didn't realize it as I was so insecure.
Proverbs 13:5
...But a wicked man is loathsome and comes to shame.
I loathed my life, and loathed those that looked down on me. I became an alcoholic looking for something more in life. Always looking in areas that didn't have the answers. Not seeking where I needed to go. On occasion I would think I need to go back to church, the kids need it too. We would go on time and then stop. The reason being is I was so lost and thought people were mocking me.
This went on for years. Finally after my husband left me for the last time, I really started to wake up. I wanted desperately to get past where I was. I wanted to believe in myself. At first, I went off the deep end. Wanted to end my life, but then I was given the picture of our kids and knew I couldn't do that to them. I poured myself into drinking my meals and became prideful in my job.
Psalms 73:6
Therefore pride serves as their necklace; violence covers them like a garment.
I walked so many wrong lines. Was out to destroy those that I thought were judging me and making my life miserable. But instead, I was the one judging them.
Matthew 7:1-5
"Judge not, that you be not judged.
I had to learn to give up spending for sure now, as I had two kids both with baby's on the way and needed to find a place to live. Our daughter was working, and was going to help out. Our son was going through a lot of mental disorders and wasn't able to hold a job for very long. I was scared.
Thankfully after a little over a year, my husband and I found our way back to another. We continued to pour our lives into alcohol thinking that was going to relieve us of our faults, mistakes and misery. Spending, eh, it wasn't nearly as bad, but now I had a grand children to spoil and a wedding to plan for my daughter. I tried to keep it as cheap as possible but wanted my daughter happy.
We got through it all, found a house after living in an apartment for three years. Thank heavens we moved, as we had a bar right behind us. Too convenient. We still kept drinking, with that and the cost of cigarettes, we went through a lot of money that could have been used for better things. Now we both wanted things nice and were spending, but hubby only really saw it as my problem.
Then our son led us to the Lord!!! That was the start of a brand new life. Life has been good since then, but I was still wanting to spoil the grand kids. Our daughter was struggling to make ends meet, so I wanted to "help."
But finally a break through! I was getting better with spending, but coming to this Scripture and the Life Lesson; Hallelujah, my eyes have been opened! As Pastor Krist said last night. I want to be a "giver" not a "taker". Amen!!!
There are so many ways to give. Not just through money, but through giving of yourself. I realize now that I don't have to spend money on my grand kids. I need to love on them, give them security. We've planted the seed, now we need to nurture it. Our grand kids are material kids; especially the youngest grand daughter "has to have" material things.
By using what I've learned, we can in turn share this information at their level of understanding. They love to give, so finding ways for them to give back to others will instill in them the importance of not "wanting" not being takers, but rather being givers. Imagine if we were "all" to find this answer and were to start giving in all ways we have to give, how much better our world would be.
I pray this reaches out to any others that may be struggling with spending, loathing, insecurities, etc. Find solace in the Lord your God. For there will you find real comfort and real leadership.
Remember also, that as you pray, He may not answer right away, as there is a reason. I'm thankful I went through those dark trials, as now I can share what I've learned and hopefully help others who are struggling. After all, He does use things in our lives to help others not just ourselves. Our testimonies are a testimony of His great love and His faithfulness. His timing is always perfect. We just need to learn to be patient and wait upon Him for only He knows when we are ready for the next step. In the meantime; stay in prayer and in the Word. Leave all your troubles to Him.
I was going to apologize for this being so long, but as I started typing, more and more came to me. It's a lengthy posting, but feel it's well worth it. God Bless each and everyone of you. Remember: Love yourself as He loves you, as then you can love on others as we have been called to do.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Why Some may not Believe
Why do so many people not enjoy God's presence? Because they do not really know Him.
That made me realize that so many out there think that because He can not be seen or touched that He is not real. There are many other reasons used as well, but am thinking this is a big issue, as I've heard others state, "How can you believe in something you can not see?"
Good question. Until you have actually experienced the presence of God, you may never know. I pray for those that are afraid to trust in the unknown, will give God a chance. When you receive the Lord and start enjoying experiences with Him, you end up with no doubt in your mind that He is very much real. It's an experience like none other.
Is the walk always beautiful? No, due to His using difficult times to teaching us, drawing us nearer, and to keep us from taking a wrong path. I've personally experienced the presence of the Lord many, many times, in many various ways. From being saved from what should have been a deadly outcome, to visions, touches and hearing. He lets you know that He is there. You can feel His presence in so many ways.
If one would sit back and think about different situations that should have turned out way different that was out of ones control, and pondered how it did not make any sense, the answer would be your loving Father saved you from that moment in your life.
I challenge you to pick up the Bible and start reading His promises for you. Start reading His love letters to you; as basically it's God telling you how much He loves you and wants to be a part of your life. God wants a personal relationship with you. After all, what do you have to lose?
I know I've said it before, but believe it is worth repeating. What do you have to lose by believing in the Lord your God? Absolutely nothing. If He's real and you believe and follow Him, you will live a wonderful life of eternity with Him. If you don't believe and He's real, you have everything to lose.
Personally, I choose to believe as I know in my heart He is very real. I challenge you to give Him a chance to prove to you that He is real. If you go into this challenge with an open mind and faith, you won't be disappointed. Then get yourself in a good "Faith-based" church that teaches the Holy Bible, not one that has been written to meet the needs of the church, and walk that beautiful walk.
My heart aches for those that are lost. I pray that you will find Salvation in Him and soon. You will not be disappointed. I'm sure glad I came back to Him. It's been a beautiful walk, even during all the trials and tribulations we have been through. I look forward with great joy to meeting more of those trials and tribulations, as each time I grow closer to Him and have a stronger understanding. Often times receiving correction on things I've been doing wrong at just the right time. For you see, God's timing is always perfect, and His love for us is perfect. Imagine having a Heavenly Father who loves you no matter what and never gives up on you. He waits for you with open arms always welcoming you.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Help in Finding Study Materials
There are many helpful sites on-line. Just google search Bible references or Bible study. Also check with your local library or church library if one is available. Another option is to check with your Pastor or church associate or even a friend to see if they have any materials you can borrow.
I hope this helps those that are struggling with finding much needed material in order to gain a better understanding of what the Bible says. If anyone has any other ways of obtaining these materials please share! :)
Thank you and God Bless! May the Lord shine down on you.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What Type of Christian Are You
So the question is, what type of Christian are you? Are you a:
Ritualistic Christian: The type that does things by the numbers. Has to pray at a certain time, read the Bible in a certain fashion, pray a certain way each time. Never letting the Holy Spirit guide you. Never allowing yourself to step out of that comfort zone.
Or a Part Time Christian that attends groups, goes to church and it ends there; or when someone calls upon you, you act out of obligation.
Or a Me Christian: One who does things your way, saying you are living the life the Lord has planned for you, but in the manner you see fit.
Or a Weekend Only Christian: The one who goes to church on the weekend, worships and prays and then walks out the door of the church and turns back to the ways of the world.
Or a When I Have Time To Be A Christian: The one who wants to be a Christian, but only takes the time when you can find the time in your busy schedule.
Or The Rush Through it Christian: Okay, I have time to get in a quick prayer, I'll try to read a little bit of the Bible now and hopefully find time to read some more later. Later comes and you find yourself saying, "I should have made time, but it's too late now, forgive me Father, You know my heart."
Or are you a Full Time Christian: The one who reads the Word, follows what is written, seeks all the time the Kingdom, works hard to be Christ like, to be the person God created you to be. Allows yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit, always seeking what He wants for you to do with each situation.
When this subject was presented to me this morning, I thought, "Oh oh, where have I been failing again Lord? I'm trying hard to be a better Christian, truly I am." But I knew what He was getting at. It saddens me that I haven't put up a bigger fight. That I haven't been more strict with myself. I'm one of those in-betweeners. But mostly that Rushed/Busy Christian.
This is really hard to write, as it is embarrassing, but it is also an awakening that has been a long time coming. First the addiction, now this. I'm just thankful I'm able to hear the convictions and am able to heed them. Praise the Lord! I know I should not be embarrassed, as He uses us to learn and then help others. I pray that when this is read that it does help anyone else out there who may be struggling.
I don't know about you, but I definitely want to reach that Full Time Christian position.
Personally, I want to be that full time Christian, so why isn't it happening? It's because I let the ways of the world/flesh creep in all too easy. It's because I haven't "Disciplined" myself enough to be where I should be to know when the enemy is up to his old tricks, pulling me back in.
So I ask myself, "What is it going to take to stay in the Word, learn His commands, follow His promptings always, be the person I have been called to be?" The answer is simple. "Discipline, and handing ourselves completely over to Him." I know there have been times I "thought" I had done that. But then looking back, it was because I was listening to the lies. I was believing I was being whole hearted, when I wasn't keeping myself in check and waiting upon the Holy Spirit.
What now? It's time to take a stand and tell the enemy, "No More!" Get quiet with the Lord and let the Holy Spirit come and take control. No more--well this is another post, so wont go down that road yet. It's another lesson I heard a couple of days ago but didn't log. I will share that one tomorrow or Monday.
Meanwhile, take time to really do some soul searching. What type of Christian are you? God Bless You.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Desires of the World or the Lord
Here's a little food for thought:
1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or the things that belong to the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him.
16 For everything that belongs to the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one's lifestyle--is not from the Father, but is from the world.
17 And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does God's will remains forever. (CSB)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Are You Like the Pharisee or the Tax Collector
No, I'm not the only one and it is most unfortunate that we in the flesh find ourselves continuing to commit these sins. What can we do? Give ourselves fully to Him and go to Him with a repenting heart. All too often, I'll catch myself (especially while driving) chewing someone out for being an "idiot," or a "fool." Thankfully when my grandchildren hear me iterate those words, they correct me. I'm thankful they have listened to my telling them that calling others names is wrong. God is so good!
The problem being, I go to Him later to pray and have not asked for forgiveness. Most times I do automatically ask Him to forgive me when I've acted out foolishly. But on those times when we don't repent, we are going to Him with condemnation in our hearts.
While reading an article in the "In Touch" Feb. issue through In Touch Ministries, I read "The Prayer that God Hears" by Kevin Goins. In this issue he talked of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
Matthew 23:5 "They do everything to be observed by others;" (talking about the Pharisees).
Luke 18:10-1410 "Two men went up to the temple complex to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 the Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: 'God I think You that I'm not like other people--greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get."
13 "But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest and saying, 'God, turn Your wrath from me--a sinner!' 14 I tell you, this one went down to his house justified rather then the other; because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
Exalt from
1. to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate: He was exalted
to the position of president.
2. to praise; extol: to exalt someone to the skies.
3. to stimulate, as the imagination: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
4. to intensify, as a color: complementary colors exalt each other.
5. Obsolete . to elate, as with pride or joy.
I use this reference of the Pharisee and the tax collector as it shows the Pharisee going with a heart of pride and condemnation. When we pray with that in our hearts, God will not listen to nor answer our prayers. Today I realized that there are areas where I have judged and not asked forgiveness, where I have not repented.
So when you pray, ask Him if there are areas in your life where you do not have a clear conscious and then when revealed, repent. Then and only then will He hear your prayers. I know I am so grateful for this time I've had to sit quietly, read, seek, listen and hear.
Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness. I pray that we may all come to You with a clear conscious, of a forgiving heart of love, with no pride or condemnation on our hearts. I pray that each person who reads this will receive blessings abundantly in peace, joy, prosperity and grace!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Walk Away or Not
I have a question for you if your answer is yes. Does God walk away from His children? Is this what He would want us to do?
We are a blessed people to have a Father in Heaven of whom never forsakes us. When we are down and out, who is there waiting to lift us back up? Who is there to walk us through it?
Now I know we have to stand strong, and be accountable for our own actions, but let me tell you from a first hand experience, when you are dealing with depression and other mental illnesses, it's not just cut and dry. You need people when you are struggling. You need someone to help hold you up.
I know it can be draining on others, but it's a fact of life. If you have someone reaching out to you, don't walk away, or say, "I just can't do this, they are bringing me down," or think, "I just don't have time for this." I have to admit, there are times I find myself reverting to the flesh and thinking, ugh, not now. Then I feel so bad!
Have you ever thought about the fact that when someone is really down, they are reaching out to you, and you either ignore them, or walk away from them what you may be doing to that person?
Now another big question. Can you live with yourself if that person ends up taking their life after they have come to you for support? I know I never could. I know taking ones life is such a taboo thought and that person was pathetic is the words of some. Wake up people! They are our sisters and brothers. Their problems and feelings are very real.
Above all, don't tell them they don't need their medication as it's evil, that it's a curse. It is a real medical problem that none of us can control with our thoughts. Yes, Hallelujah, God can heal us. But until then, those medications may be what saves that persons life. I know, I went off mine by faith, I almost killed myself.
Physicians were put on this earth for a reason. Medications were created for a reason. Don't play God with others lives. Instead, pray for them, ask for guidance for them, and encourage them. Be there for them. Support them. They need us plain and simple. Let God tell them when it is time to come off that medication, not you. He knows what's best. I'm so thankful my husband never walked away from me, as if he hadn't stood by me and prayed, I fear I would not be here today. Had he not insisted I see my doctor and get back on my medication, I probably would not be here today. I went off the medication under the watchful eye of my doctor, so it was done safely.
Sometimes I'm tired, and sometimes I don't want to deal with others problems, and then I remind myself, He doesn't walk away from us, what gives us the right to walk away from them? I will give until it hurts and will even still keep giving. Sacrifices are meant to be. Our sacrifices were small compared to God and Jesus.
May God smile down on you and Bless you abundantly in grace, peace, joy, and prosperity.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
His Presence
You speak, "Jesus! Thank you for joining us. We lift Your name on high and sing our praises to You." He's looking down happy!
There are people on both flanks of the stage dancing and you say, "Jesus, come dance with us as we honor You." The next thing you know, He's in the middle of those people from little to adult dancing and laughing. Then you see Him go to the little children and dance with them.
That experience was one of the most beautiful I've ever seen in church. It happened every night, but not the same each night. That was our last night of the conference. What a wonderful way to bring it to an end.
But it didn't stop there. When our Pastor began to speak and sing, there was Jesus speaking instead and angels were surrounding him singing. Many a time when our Pastor has been speaking, instead of seeing him there and hearing his voice, I knew it was the Lord speaking. The voice was not of our Pastor but rather that of what I knew was the Lord.
With that said, many lessons came from this past weekend. As you all have noticed, I don't blog that often, nor do I visit much at all. There is a sad reason for that; one that I've been convicted of for some time, but never heeded those promptings to end what was keeping me from where I was to be.
Right now our lessons are on "Whispers." Learning to hear the voice of the Lord. That first night our Pastors son was speaking. Just before he had us get silent, I hear "Facebook." I knew right away it was another conviction to stop the addiction to the games. Then we get silent and I hear, "follow" knew it meant I needed to start following the Lord. Then I hear "forward" knowing it meant to keep focusing on Jesus. Then I hear "obey" meaning I needed to start heeding His directions. "Seek" meaning to seek His Word on a daily basis. And "heed" meaning I needed to listen when He spoke to me.
Whew! I knew right then and there that I had no choice. Life was going to get ugly if I didn't obey this time. I've known I've had an addiction for some time. My husband and son kept prompting me to walk away. You know it's bad when you push your time limits and it causes you to run late. You know it's bad when you get grumpy because you want to get on and play but can't. You know it's bad when you get angry when interrupted while playing. Then the worst part getting worse with time, you shut out your family and friends, committing all your spare time to FB. Your house goes down hill, your shunning your duties as a daughter, sister, mother, wife, grandmother, and servant.
So I repented, asked for God's forgiveness and guidance. He took a hold of me, Praise be to God, and put me on track that night! The next morning I got on FB and typed out a note to all that I was done, I can't do it, as it is an addiction and addictions are a sin. I asked that if they ever saw me playing that they would remind me of why I quit in the first place.
Since then, I've been in the Word daily! That's a huge fete for me, as I would struggle with knowing I needed it, wanting to read, picking up the Bible, start to read and then get distracted and turn to the computer. At one point, I wanted to pick up my computer and throw it. I knew I was in trouble.
Getting rid of an addiction is so freeing!!! What a beautiful walk it has become. I'm spending time with my family. I'm not grumping at the grand kids, son and husband. I'm getting things done that needed to be done for a long time. I've reached out to family and friends again, and messages are coming to me to share now.
God is good and faithful all the time! We are a blessed people and should never take advantage of that. Imagine if He were to get frustrated with us and walk away from us the way I had my family and friends. Thank You Lord for never giving up on us.
So I will leave you with the following link that has some ways to help you with an addiction or other problem you may face to help you get back on track. Thank you hubs for sharing this with me so that others may receive help as well.
Get quiet with the Lord. Listen for His whispers. Ask for revelation on areas you need to change. Repent for those that are keeping you from seeking and receiving His Word. Be free of anything that may be holding you back from hearing Him. May your walk with Him become stronger every day. May you receive His great blessings for you and His plan for you.
If anyone has an addiction story they would like to share or have written about, please share or leave a link to your story. Support and hearing testimonies of one another is a step forward. God Bless!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Love Your Enemy
43: "You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
44: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45: so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
This comes after a conversation with a friend and then coming home and reading this very passage. It inspired me to use our conversation to make a point.
The conversation started out with me talking about my hubby having been sick for over two months now. His first attack was his right shoulder area on his back hurting. His muscles were extremely tight and causing great pain. He went in and the doctor put him on muscle relaxers and pain pills. He was bed ridden the for a few days then seemed to be getting better.
During this time he hadn't been to church but one time. This was a concern. Not to mention his whole being had changed. His coloring was poor. I just kept praying. Shortly after he started experiencing pain in the left side. I found a not the size of a tennis ball at the base of his neck. I kept prompting him to go in and get it checked as I was concerned that it may be a herniated disc. He finally went in and we were shocked with the diagnosis.
While the doctor was checking him out, she found some vertebra's that were very tender further down his back which caused concern. She ordered an x-ray. When she returned with the results, she was shocked as well. He had pneumonia and also told us that he has advanced osteoarthritis. Wow!
So he was kept on the muscle relaxers as his muscles were tight from the pneumonia and the pain pills. I took him off of those, as I could see him going down hill fast. The doc said that the pain medication would keep him from coughing, which he needed to cough to get the junk out. He was bed ridden for a few days again.
But there was something else too. I could tell something just wasn't right. He had only been to church a couple of times. Was despondent often, coloring was poor. Just not himself at all.
After one of the services I talked to a Pastor who is a good friend of ours. I explained all that was going on and he prayed and then mentioned something I never thought about. One of our friends who was a pillar in the church, a godly man by all means who basically was a mentor to my husband had done something shocking to many. It really had an impact on us. We just couldn't believe it. How could a man like this do such a thing?
Well it never occurred to me the full impact it had on hubs. It really brought him down. It affected his faith and all. The illness came at the same time and totally reflected on the illness alone, thinking it all had to do with that.
So I shared with a friend that hubs has been sick and needed prayer as he still is, but also talked without mention of name or situation just the shock that something bad had happened to such an awesome couple.
What she said was profound. "He's a man. We all have our moments when we fall short." She then shared of a church where the Pastor had been with this church for years and one day it was found that he liked pornography. Oh the horror! She was amazed at the congregations reactions. How they just put him down, he needed to be put out of the church. He was labeled. Why? She was wondering why the people weren't praying and lifting him up and helping him overcome that addiction.
This Scripture says it like it is. We are to love our enemies. Except he should not have been viewed that way. He messed up. He had an addiction that should have been approached, prayed about, and received help and support to over come this addiction.
This is where so many of us fall short. Does God walk away from us when we mess up? No! Instead He puts people in our midst to help us become better people. Instead he prods us and urges us to try harder to be better people.
But plain and simple, we are of the flesh. We will have our short falls. So the next time we find ourselves judging someone, ask yourself how you would feel if you were in that person's shoes and were being condemned. Would you deserve that kind of treatment, or would you rather people reach out and try to help you walk through it, over come it and become a better person for it by learning and stopping that problem?
Remember the Scripture: Matthew 7:1-5
1: "Do not judge, so that you won't be judged.
2: For with judgment you use, ou will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3: Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but don't notice the log in your own eye?
4: Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out your eye,' and look there's a log in your eye?
5: Hypocrite! First take the log out of your eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
I'm guilty of judging others at times and am trying so hard to over come that. It's a trait I do not like.
Let the Spirit lead you and guide you. Before reacting to a situation, ask yourself how you would feel if someone responded to you in the way you were thinking of reacting. Let's get better at holding each other accountable for our actions/reactions. None of us are above one another. We are all equal.
Should we hold our leaders accountable? Of course, but with love and understanding just as our Father does with us. When they fall short, remind them, but don't turn away from them. Instead pray for them, give them a reminder in a manner that the Lord leads you to do. If you catch others condemning them, give them a gentle reminder of the proper attitude to have. Have a Christ like attitude! I know I sure want that more than anything.
Let's be the brothers and sisters we were meant to be. Our nationalities, skin color, age, sex, what ever the case doesn't matter. What matters is we are all God's children and should love one another, uphold one another, support one another through the good and the bad. Not just during the good.
Blessings to all of you. May your walk with the Lord be glorious and may we all glorify His great name!