Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Unplugged Friday

Call me crazy, but I'm going to give this a shot, simply because
Kimba had some great points on why one should do this. I know I've been off on the priorities list lately. There for a while I had so gotten into blogging that I was letting many things go by the way side. I've never been very organized anyhow, but this really made me disorganized. So Friday is a good day to step back and take a look at the whole situation. So Friday's funnies will be on Saturday instead. I must say though, this is going to be tough.

I know I haven't been posting much lately nor visiting much latey due to being gone, then sick, then I've been working diligently on putting together a big cookbook for my daughter. Talk about time consuming. But it was worth it. Now it's catch up time. But Friday, I'll be unplugged. :( I think I can...I think I can...I think I can. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

So how about joining us! You know you need to. You know you ought to. Can you do it? Hee hee. I know, I'm so bad. Let me know if you are going to join the great unplug it!


Cinder Rail'lee said...

I may just do it!
No promises as I work on the computer for 8 long hours, and it's difficult to not click that little globe and type
Sneaker is what I am, I sneak on the internet when I'm working, having a 3x3 window next to my tool bar, and close it as soon as I hear foot steps next to my desk.

heh heh not good.

Anonymous said...

because you are my second follower to the design blog, i may (if I know the anser) post on a question you have. Just comment on the design blog!

Lauren Anne

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

We can do this my friend. We can do this. I think we can do this. Can we do this? Can I do this? Do I want to do this.
Yes I can do this! LOL.
I'll see you Saturday!

Debra Kaye said...

You go girl! I know a couple of people doing it and I'm considering it!

Blessings to you today!

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Well I wish you all great success with doing this. I don't know that I can, but the way I'm going to look at it is I'm making it a fast. I'm fasting the internet, well except my Bible stuff. So if you join, good luck! I hope you can do it. Tami, for those of you that work on your computers, you have to be there, but...hee hee hee, you can force yourself to be a good girl and not go to the blog world. ;0)
Lauren, forgive me, I'm being dense, but am not sure what you are saying. I did go to your design blog and tried to post, but could not do it? No box came up to post in. I tried three times.