I just came across another family struggling, struggling very hard. Valerie Lynn at Simply 4 God, you can find her link on my side bar--sorry, forgot to copy her link--and read and encourage her.
Valerie, here is a prayer for you and any others that are struggling.
Oh Father, our Father of strength, El Shaddai, thank You for all your blessings, for all your prayers you continue to answer. For your faithfulness to your children. You never leave us even through hard times. Thank You for always being with us. Thank You Jesus for Your great sacrifice, for by Your blood we are saved. What can wash away our sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Yes, sweet Jesus, You sacrificed Your life for us, You spilled Your blood for us. We are forever greatful. We humble ourselves before You Father. For we are not worthy of You. We are nothing without You. Thank You most glorious Daddy!
El Elyon, we need You, we need You now in our times of trials, in our times of troubles, in our times of unrest. We know You have Your plans for us. You use trials and tribulations to draw us nearer. Please Jehovah Jireh, bring heaven down to earth. Bring peace upon your children who are crying out to you. See our tears great Jehovah Rophe, and heal us. Make us strong again. Help us to take a stand against the enemy that is scared and striking harder and harder during our trials. Help us to beat the enemy down. Please Daddy, help us keep our armor of You on and to fight, to be another David.
Jehovah Shalom, bring peace among Your children. Fill us with the Holy Spirit. Let us hear Your sweet voice, let us feel Your presence. Remind those that are becoming weaker and weaker that You are there, that You have not left them. Daddy, you said when You have but 99 of 100 that you would go look for that one stray and carry him back to Your flock. You are the Almighty the Loving God of all. Please Jehovah Rophe, bring healing upon your great nation! Let Valerie Lynn and her family feel Your healing hands right now Father, right now!!! In Jesus Name I pray.
Let all those that are straying be led back to You Daddy. For we are Your children. We hunger for You Daddy. We thirst for Your leadership. We desire to be Christ like. Please Daddy, hear us asking, see us seeking, hear us knocking. We are knocking loud. And now we shall remain silent and listen for your sweet voice and your direction. Thank you Sweet Father, for listening, for leading, for guiding, for strength, for being patient with my long plea, as You already know our needs. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus. In Jesus Holy Name I pray, Amen.
After reading this prayer, please take a moment to sit in silence and wait upon Him. Together we are stronger than one. Together, in unity with God we shall over come. For there is nothing He can't handle. There is nothing that He can't do. We MUST hold onto Faith. We MUST believe in our Heavenly Father, for we are nothing without Him. We can not do it on our own. Gather your strength. Think positively. The more we allow negative thoughts, the less strength we have. Stand firm! Focus straight ahead on Jesus! Take that leap of faith and step out of the boat, always focusing on Jesus. Yes, we can fight back the enemy no matter how weak we feel. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
May God pour His blessings upon you abundantly. May you feel the ripple affect of His love. Remember to keep P.U.S.H.ing (Pray Until Something Happens)! God Bless You All
Thank you for being the first to response to my "Free Banner Link" post. I'm done with your banner. You can check for it. I was looking at your profile, I was gonna use what photos you have there, but there was nothing, so I have to come up with something that really looks alike you blog theme. I hope I didn't disappoint you. :)
Oh Grace, that is so sweet. I love it! It's perfect. I should post some pics, but just not comfortable with that yet. Thank you though. You did not disappoint me by any means.
Love you sweet sister in Christ!
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