Thursday, January 29, 2009

Irritable Bowl Syndrome Help!

The following is a letter I had received from a very dear friend about solutions for IBS. She gave me permission to share this in hope that it will help others as well. This is very good news.

Well, in the past 24 hrs, a lot of resolutions for Amber. Praise God for that! For weeks, Amber has suffered from naseau, stomach pain,and I was so frusrated not being able to help her. All the medicines doctors gave her didn't work. They kept telling us, give it time to work. Night after night Amber kept waking up sick, and sick in the morning, and nothing helped. Well, I now have the answers, and I'm very happy to say that, and it works!!! Some of you have e-mailed me back stating that you struggle with IBS(Irritable bowel syndrome) too; so I wanted to share what my mom referred me to. It's a website, and then told me to go to Heather's tummy care. What she suggests is really awesome. And she gives on her website the locations of these places to get these items or you can order them on-line.

Since we live in Boise, we went to the Boise Coop store. My mom said these three things really work. Peppermint oil capsules with ginger & fennel. Ya take one with a little bit of water, and it desolves in the intestine, and soothes and helps adominal pain, cramps, bloating, gas and nauseated feeling. Amber took one tonight, and within 30 min. she noticed that she wasn't nauseated anymore--it really works.
Next, fennel tea; it's a tea that relaxes the digestive tract, and soothes nauseau. One tea bag lasts all day, and I tasted it, it tastes okay. So Amber can sip on that whenever she wants to.
And finally, Acacia fiber; it moves everything along without direahea, and constipation. All the combined, makes Amber a very happy girl.
But not only that, we bought the cookbook by Heather; Eating for IBS. Ya know me, I don't really cook a lot, but I read 40 pgs already of this book, and I have to say, she's very wise and knows what she's talking about. And the recipes; all 177 of them, aren't hard to make. Heather knows as from the age of 9yrs old with IBS, and no resolution, she found resolutions. She also lists in detail, good foods and bad foods for IBS. And just in reading that, I already have the general idea of what I need to get at the grocery store for Amber, and what foods need to be avoided, and its really not gonna be that hard to do. And I will not have my dear Amber waking up...mommy my tummy hurts..anymore.
Praise God for his quick revelation and wisdom. Praise God for his goodness and mercy. If you know anyone, I mean anyone who's cramping, hurting, stomach pain, naseated, gas or bloated or constipation/direahea..and they don't know whats wrong with them, and doctors just tell them to stop complaining, stop whining, or, here's a drug, this should fix it, its probably IBS. And I'm telling you, what I just said, really, really works. So there is no need for anyone to suffer from this. My mom told me this works, really works, and from Amber going from mommy, my stomach is nauseated, to saying, "Wow! My stomach doesn't hurt anymore mommy. I feel good." And best of all this is not drugs of any kind, its all natural. So, if ya know anyone else that needs help, you now have the answers.

This is a follow up letter:

Amber didn't wake up at all last night and this morning, her tummy was fine. She was happy to go to school. After sending off the email last night, I noticed from drinking the tea, that it made me a little bit dizzy for approx 5 min, and then I was fine. My guess is that it not only relaxes the digestive track, but the rest of your body. Amber felt that too for about 5 min.
I don't think its dangerous at all, but maybe only use the tea if you're at home, not driving around. The peppermint pill capsules do great, no side effects that I noticed. I took one last night, because my stomach was hurting me somewhat and I thought I would check it out since Amber is taking them. They seem to do fine. Take the Acacia fiber twice a day. It mixes with water. There is no taste at all to it, none. Ya put it in the glass, stir it up, let it settle, stir it again, and then drink it. So,the only thing in question at this point, is the tea. I think its okay. Maybe take it at home only.

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