Sunday, January 11, 2009

God's Miraculous Doings!

So much has been happening lately. Hubby & I have felt that this is going to be a great year and that many good things are going to come of it. Our hearts are overflowing. The Catalyst Conference has really lifted us up. God is moving!

First off, a shout out to our sister-in-law in San Diego. Congratulations sweet sis! We are so proud of you and happy for you. We pray that your hubby was touched and will soon join you. She was baptized today! Praise the Lord!!!! So many have been giving their lives to the Lord. How awesome is that.

That is what is hoped to be gained through this blog is to help people understand the beauty of the Lord and how gracious He is. Hopefully it will lead people to Him. All that I write about God is to Glorify His name. It's through His leadings that I write. All the recognition goes to Him. I'm just thankful to be able to hear His sweet voice and be able to walk in His way! Thank You Lord!

Now to share something that was very profound to me from the service this morning. Our pastor talked about how we should be thanking God before we even ask for anything. We shouldn't just thank Him after He's answered a prayer, but thank Him for answering our requests before He does answer them.

The reason being; God already knows what we need before we even ask. He's already working on the request before we even speak it. Granted, it may not be answered as fast as we want, but remember, it's by His timing, not ours. We must put our full faith in Him and know that He is in control. He is an all loving God who will care for us. We will have our trials and tribulations, but it's all for pulling us closer in to Him.

There are times when the pain is so intense, or we watch a loved one go through a horrific time and wonder how this can be. We don't know, we don't need to know. We just need to keep the faith and trust in Him. It's hard sometimes. But I've learned lately that it is so much easier than worrying and not keeping in the Faith.

So open your hearts, souls, and arms and welcome Him in. Hold on tight. It's a glorious ride no matter what we go through. Thank You Jesus.

Oh, and one more thing. ;) Hee hee. When I go through tough times and start to question, I stop and think of the great sacrifice God and Jesus made for us, and then it all seems so trivial. Our sacrifices are nothing compared to what they endured. God Bless You All Always and Always P.U.S.H. Remember God Loves You Unconditionally!


Sam said...

Thank you for this wonderful encouragement!

"There are times when the pain is so intense, or we watch a loved one go through a horrific time and wonder how this can be. We don't know, we don't need to know. We just need to keep the faith and trust in Him. It's hard sometimes. But I've learned lately that it is so much easier than worrying and not keeping in the Faith." AMEN!

We must always remember the words of Abraham: Will not the Lord of all the earth do right?

Most times we will not know why, but we know He is in control, and He never does that which is wrong!

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Amen Sam! That is so very true. Thank you. I love it when people add more to the writings.