Thursday, November 6, 2008

Funny but Serious

Well I have to say, I got a good chuckle out of an e-mail that I did not open, just the subject line made me laugh. But it is a serious issue. The subject line read:

Is America ready for a black President?

How sad is that? Yes, of course we are. That is not the issue, well for many that I know and my family and self. The issue is being honest, for America and our well-being.

Years back, I had wished that Colin Powell would run for President. He's a brilliant man. Martin Luther King Jr. Wow! Now there was a special man. He is probably looking down and shaking his head over the dividedness that he fought against. He would have made a great President. So yes, America is ready for a genuine Godly President. I pray that is what Obama is. Regardless, I'll support him, and will definitely be praying for him and his family.

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