Thursday, December 18, 2008

Glorifying God in Our Christmas Shopping

Yeah, I'm able to get on here and do a post tonight. I should really be in bed though, as I have to be back up early and then off to the church. :)

I just wanted to share another good message I came across. It's a littel late for this one, but there are still some that have shopping left to do. Besides, I think the message is important whether it be Christmas shopping or normal shopping (what ever that is). ;) Define normal! J/K

The message comes from Tony Reineke at

The title of the message is; Glorifying God in our Christmas shopping. Some of you may be thinking how in the world can one glorify God when shopping. Easy, be frugal when shopping. Only get those things that are beneficial and hold meaning.

Tony gave three questions he asks himself when buying gifts:

1. Does the gift serve the soul of the recipient?
2. Does the gift promise life transformation?
3. Does the gift encourage faith?

Those are three very good questions to ask. Instead of getting someone just any old thing, or something you like rather than thinking about the needs of the person.

To view the rest of the message click on the link above. Then click on the article. It's a great read.

This subject has a lot of meaning to me due to the fact I used to be a spend-aholic so to speak. I loved to go shopping, and bought things I wanted and for others as well. It didn't matter if it was "needed;" I just knew I liked it and wanted it, or liked it for someone else.

Now I do not like to shop, as I know it is real easy for me to slip back into that rotten habit. But...I've learned that by praying, asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit; for guidance, and for the Lord to walk with you, you will be led to do the right thing.

33 "But seek first the kingdom fo God and His righteousness, and all these things well be provided for you." Matthew 6:33

7 "Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

9 "As for you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart anda willing mind, for teh Lord searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake hHim, He will reject you forever." 1Chronicles 29:7

1 comment:

~hon~ said...

Oh yeah I agree with the questions stated coz I use them all the time. I like this post as many people nowadays tend to be very materialistic. They become unappreciative of what they get from others. They want something more. If you do not know how to control yourself when it comes to spending, the tendency is you'll want more and you'll become unappreciative of many things.

That's what I've learned at least since I've been really a shopaholic (spendaholic) like you BEFORE. Isn't it amazing that GOD can transform us? I'm simply in awe of the most impossible things that GOD can do to us.

It's ok to shop but only for the very important things we need. I'll link to this post because I think it's very essential nowadays.

As always, I LOVE your post! Thank you for taking the time, my dear friend. You are loved dearly by me. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY! P.U.S.H.